Included are 12 new blend modes enhanced render quality and motion blur and a brand new Grid Warp interface for bending and distorting source elements.Mesh tracking is now rendered using motion blur! New workflow adds trackable insert compositing for editing hosts such as Premiere, VEGAS, and Media Composer. Complete simple match moves using one effect in AE without the need for precomps!.The upgraded Insert Module has a warped surface compositing aided by PowerMesh tracking to create a brand new efficient workflow.Updated OpenCL ICD Loader: This release updates the OpenCL Installable Client Driver Loader to help with OpenCL device compatibility.NEW Exports that work with Nuke, Silhouette, Alembic, and Mistika.Planar's new features for tracking offer the highest quality tracking and the best roto results.Insert using PowerMesh Improvements to process for warped surface compositing.The VFX Platform for 2021 with better color management.

Mocha Pro is the world's most renowned program for planar tracking, rotoscoping stabilization, removal of objects, as well as mesh track. Boris FX – Mocha Pro 2022.5 v9.5.2 Build 9 (Adobe plugin - Avid plugin - Ofx plugin - Standalone):