You'll also learn to read error message logs, called stack traces, to identify and solve bugs. In this codelab, you'll learn how to use logging in Android Studio, and how it can be used as a debugging tool. The famous computer scientist Brian Kernighan once said that "the most effective debugging tool is still careful thought, coupled with judiciously placed print statements." While you may already be familiar with Kotlin's println() statement from previous codelabs, professional Android developers use logging to better organize their program's output. The process of fixing bugs is called debugging. For example, see the version details of Google Maps below: It's not uncommon to see entire app releases dedicated to fixing bugs. All developers, regardless of experience, introduce bugs when they write code, and one of the most important skills for an Android developer is to identify and fix them. A bug is an error in a piece of software that causes unintended behavior, such as an app crashing, or a feature not working as expected. Anyone who's used a piece of software has most likely encountered a bug.